Visual arts creation (preschool)

Environment for creativity

This course is for children ages 5 to 6.
In this course, children can develop and boost their creativity thanks to the use of a wide variety of techniques and materials. The goal is to introduce students to different techniques so they can get to use them with enough ease and creativity, enriching their expression vocabulary.

We also work on group projects to promote teamwork. As of that age, boys and girls begin to represent the world they see, so we work on the observation and stimulation of creativity, valuing the creative process above all. Although we also give merit to the final result.

The activities are carried out by all participants together.

Different materials will be introduced such as acrylic and watercolour paints, wax pastels, ink, watercolour pencils, wood, clay, paper pulp, plaster of Paris bandage, papier maché, cardboard, various papers, foam, felt, cork, rope, wool, and recycling materials, among others.

We will use different techniques of drawing, painting, modelling, stamping, collage and textures, among others.


Course objectives

  • To initiate students into different techniques
  • To work fine psychomotor skills
  • To stimulate imagination and creativity
  • To become familiar and learn to use different materials and tools
  • Losing the fear of experimentation
  • To value the student’s creation capabilities taking into account his / her abilities.
  • To use visual art language as an instrument of expression and communication
  • To create a good work environment
  • To enhance the importance of collective work
  • To respect the work of the rest of the group as well as the materials and tools used in the creation process
  • To encourage and learn the importance of order, cleaning and recycling

From Monday to Friday:
4.00 pm – 5.30 pm / 4:30 pm – 5.30 pm
5.30 pm – 7.00 pm

€ 50 Enrolment fee
€ 61 per month – One 1-hour period per week
€ 95 per month – One 1.5-hours period per week
All materials are included.

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