Comic book and animation

This course is for children ages 10 and older.

Comic is, to simplify, storytelling with images. In this introductory course to comics we want to help students telling all the stories they bring inside.

By respecting all drawing styles, we will accompany the process of creating these stories by giving the tools that will help them at each time of the process.

We’ll work the drawing, but we’ll focus on the stories above all. What we draw on each vignette, how we link the different images, when using text and onomatopoeias — in short, everything that will make our stories great comics.

During the course we will develop individual projects and also small projects proposed by the teacher, we will see as well experimental comics and we will self-edit a publication with a selection of the comics we will do during the course.

Course objectives

  • To initiate students into the language of comic books
  • To learn the various stages of comic book creation: sketch, pencilling, inking, colouring and layout
  • To encourage creativity, autonomy and focus of students in their work
  • To encourage teamwork, individual and collective work criticism while creating an ideal atmosphere for the exchange of knowledge

Wednesdays: 5.30 pm – 7 pm

€ 50 Enrolment fee
€ 95 per month – One 1.5- hours period per week
All materials are included.

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