Shared creative space

Fun and creative space for the little ones

In this course, children of ages 3 and 4, accompanied by an adult, share a creative and playful space that stimulates them through visual arts experiences. The child and the adult enjoy a common experience working together in the same project.

We use all kinds of materials, and projects are designed to stimulate imagination and creativity. We also work with group projects through playful games to enhance cooperation and to learn the concept of sharing with other classmates.

Throughout the course, different objectives are set and worked on through several activities designed upon the participants’ ages and experience. The purpose of such activities is to boost creativity, to enjoy the creative moment and to familiarize students with the diversity of materials.

Child and adult work together under the guidance of the instructor creating a communication environment that’s very enriching. The main objective is to stimulate the child’s imagination and creativity. The result is not the goal but the process that takes the participants there instead.

Different materials will be introduced such as acrylic and watercolour paints, wax pastels, ink, watercolour pencils, wood, clay, paper pulp, plaster of Paris bandage, papier maché, cardboard, various papers, foam, felt, cork, rope, wool, recycling materials, etcetera.

Different techniques of drawing, painting, modelling, stamping, collage and textures are used, among others.

Course objectives

  • To think, execute and finalize small projects with the child
  • To develop new communication channels by strengthening the relationship and the trust, and enjoying a different way of doing things in the meantime
  • To use visual art language as an instrument of expression and communication
  • To become familiar and learn to use different materials and tools
  • To work fine psychomotor skills
  • To create a good work environment
  • To stimulate imagination and creativity
  • To encourage and learn the importance of order, cleaning and recycling


Mondays 4.45 pm – 5.45pm / 6 pm – 7 pm
Tuesdays: 4.45 pm – 5.45pm / 6 pm – 7 pm
Thursdays: 4.45 pm – 5.45 pm / 6 pm – 7 pm

€ 50 Enrolment fee
€ 76 per month – One 1-hour period per week (1 Adult + 1 child)
€ 95 per month – One 1-hour period per week (1 Adult + 2 children)
All materials are included.

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