
In this course, there will be a theoretical and practical study of volumetric forms through sculptural projects.
We will use the three-dimensional form as a means of artistic expression and creative development. We will study and analyze the formal language (technical) that will allow volume representation.We will conduct a study of the models from which we get the idea and their relationship with space.
We will define volume by lines, planes and volumes, and analyze geometric, organic and human forms while working on construction techniques.
SchedulesStudents will work with different types of clay and will build small-scale models as the first step to make the final pieces. Also, they will learn coating procedures and techniques to finish their sculptures.

Instructor: Roger Sanguino
Wedensday: 10:00 am – 1.00 pm

€ 50 Enrolment fee
€* 144 per month – One 3-hour period per week
Price includes clay, as well as baking and coating.
*This course has Young Fee: Exemption of fee and 20% discount for youngers between 18 and 25 years old

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